age limit — age .limit n the oldest or youngest age at which you are allowed to do something age limit for ▪ The upper age limit for entrants was set at 25 … Dictionary of contemporary English
age limit — age limits N COUNT An age limit is the oldest or youngest age at which you are allowed under particular regulations to do something. In some cases there is a minimum age limit … English dictionary
age limit — age ,limit noun count the oldest or the youngest age at which you are allowed to do something: There is no upper age limit for drivers … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
age limit — noun regulation establishing the maximum age for doing something or holding some position • Hypernyms: ↑regulation, ↑ordinance * * * age limit noun The age under or over which one may not do something • • • Main Entry: ↑age * * * age limit UK US … Useful english dictionary
age limit — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms age limit : singular age limit plural age limits the oldest or the youngest age at which you are allowed to do something There have been calls to reduce the age limit for voting from 18 to 16 … English dictionary
age limit — noun A restriction placed on an activity based on the age of the participants; either lower or higher limit. The bars age limit was 21, so we could not get in … Wiktionary
age limit — noun (C) the youngest or oldest age at which you are allowed to do something: The age limit at the new nightclub is 21 … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
age limit — / eɪdʒ ˌlɪmɪt/ noun the top age at which you are allowed to do a job ● There is an age limit of thirty five on the post of buyer … Marketing dictionary in english
age limit — restriction on age … English contemporary dictionary
ˈage ˌlimit — noun [C] the oldest or the youngest age at which you are allowed to do something … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
under the age limit fixed by law — A familiar term ill exclusion clauses in policies of automobile insur ance, having reference to the operation of the vehicle covered by the policy in violation of statute or ordinance which prescribes a regulation in reference to the age of… … Ballentine's law dictionary